The Latest Trends in CBD E-Cigarette Pens

CBD e-cigarette pens are becoming increasingly popular as more people become aware of the health benefits of CBD. The industry quickly evolves as manufacturers create innovative products to cater to the growing demand. Here are some of the latest trends in CBD e-cigarette pens: Disposable pens: Disposable CBD e-cigarette pens are the most accessible form […]

Get the Best Deals on CBD Pens: A Guide for Merchants and Brands

CBD pens have become increasingly popular as consumers seek natural and effective ways to manage anxiety, pain, and other health concerns. With the growing demand for CBD products, merchants and brands are looking for ways to offer their customers the best deals. This article will provide a guide for merchants and brands to help them […]

Market Development Analysis of CBD

I. Overview of CBD Market A. what is CBD? CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of the active compounds found in the cannabis plant. It is used for its therapeutic and medicinal properties, particularly in treating certain medical conditions such as chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, and depression. CBD can be ingested as an oil, […]

Market Development Analysis of CBD

I. Overview of CBD Market A. what is CBD CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of the active compounds found in the cannabis plant. It is used for its therapeutic and medicinal properties, particularly in the treatment of certain medical conditions such as chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, and depression. CBD can be ingested as […]

What are the latest popular styles and brands of e-cigarettes in 2022?

In the first half of 2022, e-cigarettes experienced many twists and turns, with various policy crackdowns and tilts that have put them in a difficult position. It has given people a new experience and reduced health loss to their bodies, but there are also new problems and pollution to the environment. But this has not […]

Which countries in the world have used policies to help the development of electronic cigarettes?

In the past two months, e-cigarette policies in various countries worldwide have been introduced one after another, providing more guarantees and stable development conditions for the regulation of the e-cigarette industry. Before December 2, 2021, e-cigarettes have been controversial in China, and the media’s attitude towards e-cigarettes is not favorable. Just after introducing the e-cigarette […]

Ten major events in the international e-cigarette market in the second half of 2021

In the second half of 2021, the entire international e-cigarette market has changed to varying degrees, especially regulatory policies. Some countries have banned them by legislation, and some have gradually become legalized. However, the core is still around whether to increase the consumption tax of electronic cigarettes and how much to increase, which has become […]

The EU e-cigarette market size will be close to 3 billion euros in 2021

Just after 2021, major research institutions quickly reported the scale of the international e-cigarette market. According to the ECigIntelligence report, the European Union (27 countries) e-cigarette market in 2021 will be 2.952 billion euros, an increase of 29.13% compared to 2017. It is estimated that the European Union’s e-cigarette market will reach 3.8 billion euros […]